United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania

907 Derbyshire Ave., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055


Pennsylvania Bowhunting is the quarterly publication of the United Bowhunters of PA, mailed at the beginning of the following months: January, April, July, and October.


2021 Advertising Rates & Ad Sizes:
Color Advertising 1x/yr 2x/yr 4x/yr
Full page (7.125"w x 9.5"h) $400 $360 $340
Half page (7.125"w x 4.5"h) $225 $200 $190
Quarter page (3.5"w x 4.5"h) $150 $135 $125
Business Card (3.5"w x 2"h) $100 $90 $85
Covers (Four Color): 1x/yr 2x/yr 4x/yr
Back Cover, half page $325 $290 $275
Inside Front Cover & Rear Covers $525 $470 $445

Back Cover, half page..... (Size: 7.65"w x 5"h) Size w/bleeds: 8.375"w x 5.65"h, bleed on right, left, and bottom.

Inside Front Cover & Rear Covers.....(Size: 7.65"w x 10.125"h)

Size w/bleeds: 8.365"w x 10.875"h.

Issue Deadline
Winter (January) November 15th
Spring (April) February 15th
Summer (July) May 15th
Fall (October) August 15th
ad specifications:

Ads can be accepted as camera ­ready copy or as an electronic file (see instructions below). The UBP reserves the right to enlarge any ad for design purposes with no additional cost to the advertiser. The UBP accepts no responsibility for quality of ads when low resolution files or copy are provided.

electronic ads:

Ads are acceptable if created in one of the following for­mats: Microsoft Word or Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, .pdf, .jpg, .tif, or .bmp. We use the PC platform and will substitute fonts when needed. No Mac files please. We prefer ad delivery via e­mail or dropbox with instruc­tions. All embedded images should be high resolution of 300 dpi or larger. Line art (drawings, logos, charts, etc.) should be scanned as a bitmap image between 600­800 dpi.

We cannot accept output from phones or digital cameras unless the resolution is equal to or above 300 dpi at actual print size. If you are unable to submit a file in the above graphics formats, the following is acceptable: laser print­outs incorporating line art with text. The printout must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi, preferable 600 dpi. Send to

payment options:

Advertisements are non­refundable after issue is printed. Rates are subject to change. The UBP reserves the right to reject any advertising not in keeping with the organiza­tions standards.

deadline schedule:
Issue Deadline
Winter (January) November 15th
Spring (April) February 15th
Summer (July) May 15th
Fall (October) August 15th
ad placement:

We cannot guarantee placement of your interior ad, but will do our best to accommodate your requests.

shipping instructions:

Contract, insertion orders, payments, and advertising materials should be sent to the UBP office, 907 Derbyshire Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or emailed to

2021 Advertising Rates & Ad Sizes:
Color Advertising 1x/yr 2x/yr 4x/yr
Full page (7.125"w x 9.5"h) $400 $360 $340
Half page (7.125"w x 4.5"h) $225 $200 $190
Quarter page (3.5"w x 4.5"h) $150 $135 $125
Business Card (3.5"w x 2"h) $100 $90 $85
Covers (Four Color): 1x/yr 2x/yr 4x/yr
Back Cover, half page $325 $290 $275
Inside Front Cover & Rear Covers $525 $470 $445

Back Cover, half page..... (Size: 7.65"w x 5"h) Size w/bleeds: 8.375"w x 5.65"h, bleed on right, left, and bottom.

Inside Front Cover & Rear Covers.....(Size: 7.65"w x 10.125"h)

Size w/bleeds: 8.365"w x 10.875"h.

Issue Deadline
Winter (January) November 15th
Spring (April) February 15th
Summer (July) May 15th
Fall (October) August 15th
ad specifications:

Ads can be accepted as camera ­ready copy or as an electronic file (see instructions below). The UBP reserves the right to enlarge any ad for design purposes with no additional cost to the advertiser. The UBP accepts no responsibility for quality of ads when low resolution files or copy are provided.

electronic ads:

Ads are acceptable if created in one of the following for­mats: Microsoft Word or Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, .pdf, .jpg, .tif, or .bmp. We use the PC platform and will substitute fonts when needed. No Mac files please. We prefer ad delivery via e­mail or dropbox with instruc­tions. All embedded images should be high resolution of 300 dpi or larger. Line art (drawings, logos, charts, etc.) should be scanned as a bitmap image between 600­800 dpi.

We cannot accept output from phones or digital cameras unless the resolution is equal to or above 300 dpi at actual print size. If you are unable to submit a file in the above graphics formats, the following is acceptable: laser print­outs incorporating line art with text. The printout must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi, preferable 600 dpi. Send to

payment options:

Advertisements are non­refundable after issue is printed. Rates are subject to change. The UBP reserves the right to reject any advertising not in keeping with the organiza­tions standards.

ad placement:

We cannot guarantee placement of your interior ad, but will do our best to accommodate your requests.

shipping instructions:

Contract, insertion orders, payments, and advertising materials should be sent to the UBP office, 907 Derbyshire Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 or emailed to

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